
The Ultimate Phoenix Itinerary: A 3-Day Guide

Have you been looking for the best PHOENIX ITINERARY? I’ve got you covered!

Phoenix Itinerary a 3 day travel guide

Welcome to the vibrant city of Phoenix, Arizona! If you’re a traveler seeking an unforgettable family vacation, you’ve come to the right place. As a newish mom with a penchant for kid-friendly adventures, I recently embarked on a thrilling journey through the Valley of the Sun.

Over the course of three delightful days, I immersed myself in the city’s rich culture, basked in its glorious sunshine, and indulged in countless activities tailored to entertain young travelers. Today, I stand as a trusted source, ready to share my experiences and provide an authoritative voice for those seeking the perfect Phoenix itinerary for families.

The Ultimate Itinerary for Phoenix, AZ!

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    But what truly sets Phoenix apart is its incredible range of kid-friendly activities. Whether your family yearns for thrilling outdoor adventures, fascinating educational opportunities, or immersive cultural experiences, this dynamic city has it all.

    From exploring captivating museums and interactive science centers to wandering through lush botanical gardens and embarking on desert safaris, every day in Phoenix brings a new and exhilarating adventure. The city’s commitment to family fun is evident in its impressive array of theme parks, water parks, and wildlife attractions, ensuring that boredom is banished and laughter fills the air.

    So, let’s get into the ultimate Phoenix Itinerary.

    This article is in partnership with Visit Phoenix; however, all opinions remain my own.

    Day 1 PHOENIX Itinerary: Hash Kitchen, kayaking, Children’s Museum

    Hash Kitchen

    Inside of Hash Kitch in Phoenix
    Bloody mary bar at hash kitchin in phoenix

    Start your morning off with breakfast bright and early from the Hash Kitchen!

    From the moment I walked through the doors, I was captivated by the vibrant and lively atmosphere. The restaurant’s quirky and fun decor immediately set the tone for a fantastic breakfast adventure.

    One of the highlights of my visit was the “make it yourself” Bloody Mary bar, which was an absolute delight. It featured an impressive array of toppings and garnishes, allowing you to personalize your drink to perfection. From crispy bacon and pickled vegetables to an assortment of hot sauces and spices, the options were endless.

    The Hash Kitchen has such attention that was put into the restaurant’s design. The colorful wall art, playful signage, and eclectic furnishings created an energetic ambiance that made me feel right at home. The staff members were friendly and attentive, further enhancing the overall experience.

    Now, let’s talk about the food. The breakfast options at Hash Kitchen were nothing short of phenomenal. The menu boasted an impressive variety of dishes, from classic favorites to innovative creations. I opted for their signature egg breakfast meal and it was perfectly delicious! The portion sizes were generous, ensuring that no one at the table left hungry.

    Kayaking at Saguaro Lake Ranch

    During my trip to Phoenix, I knew I had to add this fun activity to my Phoenix Itinerary. I had my 1-year-old son with me, but thankfully my mom was also with me so she was able to watch him while I did this activity.

    You will definitely want to add this kayaking adventure along the breathtaking lower Salt River to your Phoenix itinerary. This was booked through the fantastic team at Saguaro Lake Ranch. Let me tell you, it was an experience that exceeded all my expectations.

    The kayaking excursion lasted approximately two hours, providing ample time to soak in the serene beauty of the surroundings. What I loved most about this experience was the freedom it offered. It was a self-guided and self-paced adventure, allowing me to fully immerse myself in the tranquility of the river at my own leisure.

    Before setting off, the friendly staff at Saguaro Lake Ranch ensured that we were equipped with all the necessary gear and gave us a brief orientation on kayaking techniques and safety procedures. Their professionalism and attention to detail immediately put me at ease, allowing me to focus on the adventure ahead.

    As I paddled along the lower Salt River, I was in awe of the picturesque views that unfolded before me. The rugged desert landscapes, towering saguaro cacti, and the gentle flow of the river created a truly mesmerizing atmosphere. It was a scenic feast for the eyes, with every stroke of the paddle revealing new delights.

    One of the highlights of the kayaking experience was the wildlife I encountered along the way. I saw majestic bald eagles soaring above and you even have the potential to see graceful wild horses grazing on the riverbanks. The peaceful nature of kayaking allowed me to observe these animals in their natural habitat, creating cherished memories that will last a lifetime.

    It’s worth noting that this kayaking adventure is suitable for those aged 12 and above, making it a fantastic outing for families and older children. The cost per person, at approximately $51, was well worth the experience, considering the quality of the equipment, the stunning scenery, and the knowledgeable guidance provided by Saguaro Lake Ranch.

    Children’s Museum of Phoenix

    If you have kids then you have to add the Children’s Museum of Phoenix to your Phoenix itinerary. From the moment we stepped inside, my family and I were greeted with a world of imagination and wonder. Our experience at the museum was nothing short of exceptional.

    One of the standout features of the Children’s Museum of Phoenix is its multiple levels, each offering a unique and engaging experience. The museum thoughtfully divided the spaces into different areas based on age groups, ensuring that everyone had an appropriate and enjoyable experience.

    Landon was thrilled to discover the variety of interactive exhibits catered specifically to his interests and abilities. From sensory exploration and imaginative play areas to engaging science experiments and creative art spaces, the museum provided an enriching and stimulating environment for them to learn and grow.

    One aspect that particularly stood out was how well-maintained and comfortable the museum was. The air-conditioned interior provided a respite from the Arizona heat, allowing us to fully immerse ourselves in the exhibits without worrying about the weather outside.

    The admission cost of $17.00 per person was well worth the value of the experience. The museum’s commitment to providing a safe and engaging environment for children was evident in the attention to detail and the quality of the exhibits.

    Day 2 Phoenix Itinerary: hike and Arizona Boardwalk

    Hike Papago park

    If you’re planning a trip to Arizona, make sure to visit the enchanting Papago Park. The best time to experience its breathtaking beauty is at sunrise or sunset when the desert landscape comes alive with vibrant colors.

    Nestled in Phoenix, this natural gem is easily accessible for travelers of all ages. One of the highlights of your visit should be climbing up to the famous Hole in the Rock. Don’t worry, it’s not as intimidating as it sounds! It’s a thrilling adventure that rewards you with magnificent panoramic views of the surrounding area. So grab your hiking shoes, gather your loved ones, and get ready to embark on a fun-filled expedition at Papago Park!

    odysea Aquarium. Arizona boardwalk

    If you are visiting Phoenix then you need to add the Arizona boardwalk to your list of things to do. Within the Arizona boardwalk is the Odysea Aquarium.

    The first thing that struck me was the sheer size of this aquarium. The vast expanse of the facility seemed to stretch out endlessly before me. With over 200,000 square feet of space, it was truly a marine enthusiast’s dream come true. Every corner was filled with captivating exhibits and breathtaking displays, each one more mesmerizing than the last.

    You will find yourself surrounded by an incredible variety of marine life. From vibrant tropical fish to majestic sea turtles, each tank seemed to transport me to a different underwater world. The attention to detail was awe-inspiring.

    One of the most unique aspects of my visit was the discovery of a shark tank in an unexpected location—the bathroom. Yes, you read that right. As I entered the restroom, I was greeted by an enormous glass wall that revealed a thriving ecosystem of sharks swimming gracefully just inches away.

    The knowledgeable staff were always on hand to provide fascinating insights and answer any questions, making the experience even more enriching.

    butterfly wonderland at Arizona boardwalk

    Butterfly Wonderland is a whimsical paradise nestled in the heart of Phoenix, Arizona! Prepare to be enchanted as you embark on a magical walk through their stunning butterfly garden.

    Step inside this tropical oasis and find yourself surrounded by vibrant flowers, lush foliage, and delicate butterflies fluttering gracefully around you. It’s like stepping into a fairytale! But wait, there’s more!

    As if the butterfly wonderland wasn’t captivating enough, they also have an additional area that showcases an array of sea life and reptiles. Dive into an underwater adventure where colorful fish dance through coral reefs and mesmerizing sea creatures glide through crystal-clear tanks. And for the brave souls, get ready to encounter the slithering wonders of the reptile kingdom, where lizards and snakes showcase their unique beauty.

    With its enchanting butterfly garden and the added thrill of exploring sea life and reptiles, Butterfly Wonderland promises a truly unforgettable experience that will leave you spellbound and with a big smile on your face!

    Day 3 phoenix Itinerary: relax and play

    the oasis waterpark

    Photo Credit

    Get ready for the ultimate aquatic adventure at the Oasis Water Park, located within the Arizona Grand Hotel! This place is an absolute thrill seeker’s paradise, with something for everyone in the family.

    Strap on your floaties and jump into the lazy river, where you can relax and let the gentle current carry you away. But if you’re feeling a bit more adventurous, brace yourself for the heart-pounding excitement of the giant slides! Zoom down the exhilarating twists and turns, and feel the rush of pure adrenaline. And don’t worry, little ones, the fun isn’t just for the big kids.

    The Oasis Water Park has a splash pad and baby pool where the little tykes can splash, play, and giggle to their hearts’ content. Need a break from all the excitement? No worries! The park offers luxurious cabana rentals, where you can unwind in style and soak up the sun. With its thrilling slides, relaxing lazy river, water-filled adventures for the kids, and cabana rentals for the ultimate comfort, the Oasis Water Park promises a splash-tastic experience that will leave you craving for more.

    Want to spend the day at the pool without staying at the Resort? Book a day pass to a pool in Phoenix with Resort Pass!

    Best Time to Visit phoenix

    Photo Credit

    The best time of year to visit Phoenix with kids is during the spring and fall seasons when the weather is mild and pleasant, allowing for a perfect balance of outdoor and indoor activities.

    According to weather.com, in Spring (March to May), the average temperatures range from the mid-60s to the mid-80s Fahrenheit (18-30°C), creating ideal conditions for exploring outdoor attractions, such as hiking trails, botanical gardens, and wildlife parks. During this time, families can enjoy the city’s beautiful desert landscapes without the scorching heat of summer.

    Fall (September to November) brings similar comfortable temperatures, with averages ranging from the mid-60s to the upper 80s Fahrenheit (18-31°C). This season offers opportunities to engage in outdoor adventures like desert safaris and zoo visits, as well as indoor attractions such as interactive museums and science centers. With the pleasant weather in spring and fall, families can enjoy a wide range of activities, creating a memorable and enjoyable experience for everyone.

    Where to Stay in Phoenix

    During my stay, I enjoyed experiencing two exceptional hotels catering to families with children. These establishments combined comfort, convenience, and a welcoming atmosphere, ensuring my little ones felt right at home. From cozy accommodations to outstanding amenities, these hotels surpassed expectations, offering a restful haven after exciting days of exploration.

    🤩 Find DISCOUNTED Phoenix Hotels Right Here

    1. Fairmont Scottsdale Princess

    Located in Scottsdale, just a short drive from Phoenix, the Fairmont Scottsdale Princess is a luxurious oasis for families seeking a memorable vacation. This world-class resort boasts a host of amenities and activities designed to entertain both children and adults alike. From its five swimming pools, including a sandy beach pool and waterslides, to the Trailblazers Kids Club offering exciting programs and adventures, every member of the family will find something to love. The resort also features championship golf courses, award-winning dining options, and a serene spa for parents to unwind.


    Situated in the heart of Phoenix, the Hilton Phoenix Resort at the Peak combines the tranquility of a desert oasis with a plethora of family-friendly activities. Kids will delight in the resort’s River Ranch Water Park, complete with a lazy river, waterfalls, and a water slide. The Coyote Camp Kids Club provides supervised entertainment and educational activities, allowing parents to enjoy some downtime. The resort also offers spacious suites, multiple dining options, a full-service spa, and nearby hiking trails for outdoor enthusiasts.

    3. Arizona Grand Resort and Spa

    Nestled at the base of South Mountain Preserve, the Arizona Grand Resort and Spa offers a unique blend of relaxation and adventure. The spacious suites and villas provide a comfortable retreat for families, while the Oasis Water Park stands as the centerpiece of excitement. Boasting an eight-story tower with thrilling water slides, a lazy river, and a wave pool, this water park guarantees endless fun. The resort also offers a variety of dining options, a rejuvenating spa, and access to nearby hiking trails for those looking to explore the natural beauty of the area.

    4. The Wigwam

    For a taste of Arizona’s rich history and charm, The Wigwam in Litchfield Park offers a unique family getaway. This historic resort features luxurious casitas and suites surrounded by lush gardens and towering palm trees. Families can enjoy the resort’s three pools, including a 25-foot tower with a twisting water slide. Kids will love the resort’s Wigwam Kids Club, while parents can relax at the spa or play a round of golf on one of the resort’s three championship courses.

    5. Sheraton Grand at Wild Horse Pass

    Located on the Gila River Indian Community, the Sheraton Grand at Wild Horse Pass combines cultural immersion with family-friendly amenities. The resort offers a distinctive Native American experience, showcasing traditional art, cuisine, and activities. Families can enjoy the resort’s four outdoor pools, including a waterslide and a lazy river. The Sheraton Adventure Club offers supervised activities for children, while adults can unwind at the Aji Spa or test their luck at the adjacent Wild Horse Pass Casino.

    These five hotels near the Phoenix area cater to families with children, providing a range of amenities, activities, and comfortable accommodations to ensure an enjoyable and memorable stay for all.

    Getting Around Phoenix

    The most convenient and efficient way to get around Phoenix is by car. With its sprawling layout and vast expanse, having your own vehicle grants you the freedom to explore the city and its surrounding areas at your own pace.

    Phoenix has a well-developed road infrastructure, including a network of highways and well-maintained city streets. While traffic congestion can occur during peak commuting hours, particularly on major freeways, the overall traffic flow in Phoenix is relatively manageable compared to other metropolitan areas.

    Parking in Phoenix is generally easy to find, with ample parking lots, garages, and street parking available throughout the city. Most attractions, hotels, and shopping centers offer parking facilities, often at affordable rates or even free of charge. Whether you’re cruising down wide boulevards or navigating through scenic desert roads, having a car in Phoenix provides flexibility, accessibility, and a seamless travel experience.


    Conclusion/Final Thoughts: How to [keyword]

    As you wrap up your journey through the vibrant city of Phoenix, you’ll be left with memories that will last a lifetime. From the stunning desert landscapes to the captivating attractions, Phoenix offers a perfect blend of adventure, culture, and relaxation.

    But wait, there’s more to explore! If you’re craving an epic road trip, don’t forget to check out my blog post on the must-visit stops when driving from San Diego to Phoenix. It’s filled with hidden gems and off-the-beaten-path attractions that will make your journey even more unforgettable.

    So, fellow explorers, I invite you to read my post and embark on your own adventure. And while you’re at it, don’t forget to leave a comment sharing your thoughts and the top activities you’d choose for your Phoenix trip. Together, let’s inspire and connect as we explore the wonders of this incredible destination. Safe travels and see you in the comment section!

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